Ways of giving
This year it will cost about £260,000, or £5,000 per week, to run our church and support all the activities described in our Annual Report. Please help us to further the work of St Mary's.
Planned Giving Scheme
We rely on people supporting St Mary’s by giving money regularly through our Planned Giving Scheme.We encourage giving by bank standing order, or through envelopes placed in the Church collection.
Income tax payers can help the Church even more through Gift Aid, enabling the Church to reclaim the basic rate of income tax already paid. Higher rate tax payers also keep the difference between the two tax rates.

Wills and Legacies
You can also help St Mary's by leaving a gift in your will to the church as recognition of God’s goodness to us all.
Make one-off online donation
Go to our Give A Little site and donate using your credit or debit card - you can choose either a fixed amount or a donation of your choice.
Please note that you can Gift Aid your donation via Give A Little after you have entered your card details.
Thank you.